I am going to venture a guess—it took a while, maybe even years, for you to get to where you are now, as the Manager. Maybe you have had multiple jobs in various fields. Regardless, you have come a long way and carry with you a wealth of insight and knowledge. Knowledge that doesn’t come from training alone, but from experience. Experience both job related and life related.
It also took a certain set of positive attributes to get you to where you are. Let me guess again—was it your pleasant personality, kindness, respectfulness, energy, optimism, dedication and loyalty? Oh, yes!! All of these and so many more!!
Your true attributes are who you are, not just in your current role as Manager, but on a much deeper level, inside of you, as a person. You take them with you everywhere you go. Although people share similar attributes, each have their own wonderful way of expressing them and making them uniquely theirs.
When I slow my pace and walk side by side with behaviour that fits with my positive attributes, I enjoy many benefits. One of which is that I feel good about myself, and am confident in my decisions and actions. Even if my decision doesn’t win me the popularity contest, I can stand behind it. I can sleep well at night knowing that I did what felt right not only for me, but for all involved. That’s a huge benefit!
As the Manager, those around you also enjoy great benefit. Your consistency builds your reputation, and instills trust and credibility. It allows others to know what to expect from you in any given situation. There is no need for them to gauge your mood, or speculate your reaction prior to approaching you. Isn’t that the type of Manager you yourself would like to have?
Wouldn’t it be great if all you had to do was get clear on what your true positive attributes are, and then consistently turn to them to guide you through your day? More happiness, less stress, fewer regrets and great work relationships! Sounds too easy to be true? Let’s have a closer look.
If loyalty is truly one of my attributes, and a co-worker shares something very private with me, I would not chat or gossip about it with another person, I would keep it private. If kindness is truly one of my attributes, and I am dealing with an unhappy client, I would not raise my voice in an attempt to overpower them, I would help them. If respectfulness is truly one my attributes, I would not embarrass a co-worker at a staff meeting by drawing in negative attention, I would speak with them calmly in private. I am sure by now you get my point….
I am also the first one to know if I behave in a way not aligned with my attribute, because I “feel” it. The feeling that I am off course can show up in a variety of ways depending on the situation. I may feel disappointment or sadness, but what speaks most loudly to me is a feeling of exhaustion. Exhaustion caused by my own tension and energy spent swimming upstream. It seems that occasionally this has to happen in order for me to learn and grow. It also reminds me of how I want to show up in the world. That is enough for me to acknowledge my setback, forgive myself and start over again, and again, and again.
Let’s bring your positive attributes into the light with these easy steps:
- I am going to suggest you buy a journal to write in. Spoil yourself and get something super nice that will inspire you. If you already have one that you just haven’t got around to using, now is the time to blow off the dust. Of course, you will also need a nice pen! Your journal will become your special, private space where you will realize all of your unique gifts.
- Find a quiet, peaceful place to sit. You will need a little time without interruption. Relax and bring your attention to yourself. This is all about you right now.
- Think about your positive attributes. The things you love about yourself. Start writing, just one word for each attribute is all you need. When you think you are done, write a couple more.
- Sit for a few more minutes and read over your list. Let each one sink in a little before you go to the next. Have you ever given much thought to your attributes before now? Have you ever listed them and honoured them?
I encourage you to give this easy process a try. The next time you have a difficult decision to make, or just before you walk into your next meeting, take two or three minutes, remove yourself from the noise, (even if that means stepping into the bathroom), get quiet, connect with yourself and listen to what you have to say. In this calm place, trust yourself, step forward and walk the talk you just received from yourself.
You have spent your life building your knowledge, gathering experience and developing your attributes. These are your unique super powers, and there will be no better time than now to call them into action!
Your authentic attributes tool box is overflowing—remove the lid and share your gifts!